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On this program, you are going to exercise for the “right” reasons and will enjoy freedom from the

“control the scale syndrome”. Exercise is not a factor in weight loss and does not accelerate weight loss. 

Calories, fat, fiber & carbohydrates are

not counted on this program.

 Nothing is counted because there are unlimited portions.

When food energy is used correctly by the body as 100% cellular energy, whatever the food provides results in a positive. This is learned and understood through your counsel in Dietary Progression and submitted data. Cardiovascular exercise is always good for muscles and many other functions in the body. Exercise should be performed for help and “not to control the scale”. 

This exercise to control the scale syndrome contributes to eating disorders and unhealthy food related behavior patterns. It starts from early stages of childhood and adolescence and continues through college years, influencing our decision making both professionally and personally. During years of practice within this field, we see these trends having an ill effect on hormonal development for females and males. Ranging from reproduction issues, menstrual cycle issues, aging in an unhealthy manner, maintaining muscle mass, growing new muscle, to insulin deficiency, insulin-inefficiency, ill-carbohydrate assimilation, erectile – libido concerns, and bone density.


On this program you are going to exercise for the right reasons & will enjoy freedom from the control the scale syndrome.


Eating the right foods for your system can give you the day-to-day food efficiency and consistency to rely on. In counsel, you will learn to understand and interpret our Scale Reactivity System™ as a parameter of how your body and the foods are interacting. Consistency from the foods will work by using the right foods to manage or lose weight rather than forcing your body into exercise to control the scale syndrome, which is an unhealthy addiction. Most people force exercise while eating the wrong foods, possibly dangerous foods, for their systems at the time of forced exercise.

Eating the right foods for your system, enjoying the weight-loss, and actually feeling lighter becomes your reality on our program. Exercise is a pleasure rather than a stress. When food which is chemical energy is used correctly by the body, whatever that food provides results in a positive.



This program can also reduce your fatigue and increase your recovery time from exercise and from stress.


Many people ask if it is possible to stop weight loss and the answer is yes! You can stop weight loss at any time just by eating foods that you will learn cause your specific system to stop losing weight and other foods that cause your bodyweight to maintain weight or increase. This all happens while your body is reaching it's ideal body fat. With this weight loss, there will be no loss of strength; you will be stronger!

This exercise to control the scale syndrome contributes to eating disorders and unhealthy food related behavior patterns. It starts from early stages of childhood and adolescence and continues through college years, influencing our decision making both professionally and personally. During years of practice within this field, we see these trends having an ill effect on hormonal development for females and males. Ranging from reproduction issues, menstrual cycle issues, aging in an unhealthy manner, maintaining muscle mass, growing new muscle, to insulin deficiency, insulin-inefficiency, ill-carbohydrate assimilation, erectile – libido concerns, and bone density.


On this program you are going to exercise for the right reasons & will enjoy freedom from the control the scale syndrome.


Eating the right foods for your system can give you the day-to-day food efficiency and consistency to rely on. In counsel, you will learn to understand and interpret our Scale Reactivity System™ as a parameter of how your body and the foods are interacting. Consistency from the foods will work by using the right foods to manage or lose weight rather than forcing your body into exercise to control the scale syndrome, which is an unhealthy addiction. Most people force exercise while eating the wrong foods, possibly dangerous foods, for their systems at the time of forced exercise.

- Dr. Leon Mellman, D.C

Most clients realize that REST a.k.a. Horizontal Time will allow us to guide you in mapping out your Cleaning Cycles™ and can accelerate weight-loss incinerating body fat whether just lying down in the HT position, sleeping or not. As clients say, “This Is A Magical Food Moment!”


Many professional athletes would use exercise extensively, approximating a 3,500 cal-burn two times daily and eating only one or sometimes two meals per day, with some sort of starvation paired with this extreme cardiovascular routines or obsessive cardio in an attempt to manipulate weight to try to meet their contract weight or weight requirements for positions that they play. That did not work for them. Overworked executives and parents, due to healthcare plan requirements or re-exams, fall into the same ill habits. All unhealthy and addictive practices.


Only when they began this program and ate the correct foods for their systems, feeding their systems the correct foods until satisfied by allowing themselves unlimited portions, were they able to reach their goals and be at the low body fat percentages that they thought were impossible for them to achieve. Realizing they lose more weight when they rest and eat the correct foods with the right amount of horizontal time at the right time takes the stress out of exercise and the guilt out of relaxation. At the same time being able to reach their goals and enjoy food!


This is self-empowering and a Win Win.


You'll create a new physical and emotional relationship with the correct foods by listening and feeling what’s right and when you're satisfied, and have an interactive experience with your system throughout your Dietary Progression's New Rules to help you understand it.


When on the correct foods at the right time with the right amount of Horizontal Time, regardless if you're awake or sleeping, your body is given the optimal opportunity to tap into innate intelligence to recover and regenerate from being vertical all day on earth's gravitational pull. This intelligence, which we call your Cleaning Cycles™, is an opportunity already within us. When on the correct foods and eating them at the right time with the right amount of horizontal time, you will witness your chemical click-in while calming down in the Horizontal Time position. This is to be discussed and coached in counsel.


Once your cleaning cycles has begun, these specific organs (your hepatic system) start their nightly performance and they look to do this every night as part of our innate, built-in natural detoxification and cleansing system. You're finally given the opportunity to perform at 100% on a cellular level by understanding how to tap into your own fountain of youth.


Magical food moments begin to happen.


You're introduced to multiple concepts that, clients agree, are eye-opening experiences and windows of opportunity. You'll learn how to tap into your body's own sleep technology by Mapping Out Your Cleaning Cycles™ and learning about The PM Scale Reading™

This is exactly what our clients experience when on the correct foods because Prostaglandin pathways can now use the correct fats for that individual system. This is the catalyst to accelerate weight loss, defy the look of aging, and beautify your skin as it starts to retain more nutrients, due to those Prostaglandin pathways, and gain strength and new muscle mass by manufacturing male or female hormones. Less inflammation equals less pain and some clients report faster mental processing with an improved attention span.


Men and Women in the United States, and now abroad, actually grow up from a young stage in life being exposed to synthetic hormones in many variations, from conventional and GMO foods to prescribed skin and respiratory medications.


Adolescence is surrounded by synthetic hormones, such as birth control, that alters hormonal communication internally with more short-term and long-term side effects being experienced more than ever before.

Respiratory and dermatological steroids also have become more common in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Seasonally becoming winded with respiratory fatigue, wheezy breathing, excessive mucous, skin rashes with severe redness and itching, forms of rosacea, eczema, and psoriatic arthritic conditions, all correlate to a significant amount of the population now living on many different variations of steroids and synthetic hormones.


What if the foods these particular systems grew up eating were problematic? Or the foods you're eating now have become dangerous for that system, contributing to or the basic fundamental cause of those symptoms?


Nutrients in specific fruits, vegetables, grains, and many other food groups, all now researched in our environment, have a direct relationship with a rapidly growing list of health issues. All health problems are immune and food related but not all are weight related.

Horizontal Time

After a period of time, women that begin their program with hormone replacement therapy medication become intrigued by their Dietary Progressions success and feel their systems change for the better. These women start to entertain the idea of wanting to experiment rotating, or weaning themselves to less doses or not taking this medication. When this type of situation presents itself, we always suggest that they consult with their other physicians, who may find a specific niche for their own system while on their correct foods and rotate their medication over a longer period of time, or result in not taking the medication. Many clients reduce their doses of prescribed medications, with coordinated guidance, and do well without it.


Different forms of birth control pills, or other medications that have hormonal side effects, are taken for many years without considering any effects on a menstrual cycle, the system that's endured this type of treatment (having the ability to reproduce a healthy baby on their own without the need for induced hormones to do so), or post-pregnancy health. Hormones needed for pregnancy are becoming just as much a trend as it is for menopausal women to end up addicted or dependent on hormonal therapy for the remainder of their lives. The severe silence that surrounds the side-effects is different for each system, not knowing the way their bodies feel without the hormones/medications because the foods being consumed at that time with hormones could not be used efficiently. Then when the correct foods can be eaten with a focus of increased cellular energy with respect to organ pathways, systems have the opportunity to repair and correct naturally.


Other women come to the program seeking an attempt to hold off on hysterectomies and re-establish a menstrual cycle by accessing their body's own female abilities. Women in pursuit of their inherent right to have a natural pregnancy are increasing these chances with the correct foods that can repair and correct prostaglandin function, to our understanding, from what has been missing for up to six to nine months, then gain their body's own ability to regulate hormonal function knowing from their own personal research that their system should manage this on their own, rather than being stopped by a procedure, medications, or synthetic hormones, and the possibility of living with short-term or long-term doses of side-effects.

Having their systems become more efficient with the protein and carbohydrates they eat for improved insulin function. While losing weight or gaining weight on this program, your muscle mass will increase due to the correct proteins and carbohydrate sources being eaten and proven compatible, so you know they are being used at 100% efficiency on a cellular level. This is also another concern for female systems seeking more energy, muscle tone, and improved hormone function.


Both male and female clients also report better balance in their own hormones. Some accomplish this in a shorter period of time, while others in longer periods of time, with respect to their medical history. We must place an incredible value on the understanding that there is an innate recuperative ability to manufacture your own female or male hormones and that we all have a different journey that impacts us (positively or negatively) in mental, physical, reproductive, and regenerative function. This aside, there is a very in-depth appreciation for your body’s own ability to better regulate inflammation by the manufacturing of prostaglandin pathway anti-inflammatories for male or female hormone function. This is a main focus when feeding your system the correct foods to make a catalyst for Prostaglandin function.


You will understand what your body is communicating from an exact craving, when or if they do occur, and pattern out your Dietary Progression with the coordinating white blood cells end organ systems that apply to those specific foods, working and not working, to reveal a pattern of immunology, only revealed from your Dietary Progressions Program. You won't be tormented by cravings because you're actually satisfied from the correct foods you're eating. Finally, you have a scientific reason particular to your system.


If you do start to experience cravings, our integrated application demonstrates they come from your most neurological receptive male and female organs through neurochemical communication. This being said, and supported in research, we acknowledge that your cravings need to be satisfied from challenge foods to be proven for compatibility within your Dietary Playbook's diagnostic section. That's taking the guilt out of the craving. Now you're able to enjoy the food that satisfies the craving as a healthy association because you understand why and where the craving is coming from! That's Food Freedom™!


All health problems are immune and food related but not all are weight related.


Joint pain and inflammation begin to decrease by the fourth or fifth day, as hundreds and hundreds of clients report, due to the fact that foods are not provoking a specific white blood cell whose main purpose is to create inflammation in the joints. The data collected during our initial 19 years continues currently to show that high blood pressure begins a positive change towards correction within the the first 10 days, cholesterol within 17 days, and many different types of comprehensive laboratory profiles within 21 days. This is specific to your medical history and the ability to stay consistently on program, per Dr. Leon Mellman's recommendations.


Medicated clients suffering from heartburn, indigestion, and different forms of acid indigestion or variable forms of reflux have reported being symptom free with positive change – for years! – in a couple of days within the start of their individualized Dietary Progression Programs. Clients with diabetics type-1 and type-2 learn to regulate and reduce insulin with their individual systems by using the correct foods more efficiently on a cellular level. This is witnessed when patterning out data and they are amazed at how specific foods interact differently with their particular systems.


Clients that have Lupus, Lyme’s Disease (or associated symptoms of lyme's), short-term and long-term suffering, sinus congestion, excessive mucous in upper and lower respiratory systems, seasonal immunogenic suppression, chronic fatigue syndromes, fibromyalgia, skin rashes, hot painful joints, itching and severe redness, forms of rosacea, eczema and psoriatic arthritic conditions, have all reached levels of improved management and reduced insulin levels. Some clients have reduced medications to none at all and others have achieved remission on this program. This improvement occurs regardless of age. Coordinating doctors find cooperation by reducing, weaning, or removing patients from medication as they witness success. People have to help their bodies by eating the correct energy in the form of correct foods, so it can get the job done.

Grow Muscle | Gain Weight | Bone Density

Food First! No Supplements or Herbs

Increase Your Size This accomplished from a different protocol within your dietary progressions program and your individual system's Scale Reactivity System™. Our protocols are adjusted per the individual's main focus, with respect to your lifestyle, profession, and medical history.


On our program, you get to keep the muscle you gain. When your system is being fed the correct foods, it is as they say, “when it's grown correctly, it wears correctly”.


Professional athletes, executives, and others who need to increase their size, can gain healthy increments of desired weight in the form of increased muscle mass, while achieving new low body fat percentages with increased strength. Clients are fascinated by what they accomplish from eating those correct proteins and carbohydrates that work best in their bodies per an individualized dietary program.


Dr. Leon will intellectually stimulate you during your educational calls on this topic. Understanding how your PM-Scale Reading System™ and the Mapping Out of Your Cleaning Cycles pertains to PG- Stacking™, and learning how to stack your Prostaglandin feedings based on which Prostaglandin pathways are open and working for you in support of increased male or female hormone production influencing increased anabolic rest when in the Horizontal Position vs. the Prostaglandin pathways that are still in need of rest and repair.


This will be determined during your orientation call with Dr. Leon. A thorough understanding of how to integrate Olympic forms and standards of measurement per medical history, height and weight, frame size, and body compositions will be targeted.


If body composition analysis measurements are of interest, we suggest the "BodPod" body composition analysis Instrument. It is highly regarded within the professional and collegiate athletic leagues as one of the top caliber tools for body composition analysis and measurement. Due to only having a 1.5% error reading, it's superior in comparison to the other most accurate forms of body composition measurement analysis such as water buoyancy evaluation and electrical bioimpedance measurement. Onsite at our private facility, we do have a "BodPod" and pictures are available for viewing.

Only food first and enjoy unlimited portions till satisfied. There are no supplements or herbs involved when getting started on your Dietary Progression Program.


Supplements or herbs (a.k.a. Nutraceuticals) may be added as challenges to your program when a "positive dietary progression with only food first" has been established. We usually can determine this within the first 7-14 days.


Multivitamin - Mineral Formula's are usually a client's first choice, and if this becomes necessary due to medical history, your dietary progression's first seven to 14 days, or it's something you would just feel better about working into your dietary program due to your local marketplace situation not having a variety of foods available (organic fresh or organic frozen), we have our own "Premium, NON-GMO Multi-Vitamin Mineral AM & PM Support System Formula.


Research-based and scientifically designed, the AM & PM Support Systems are blended to interact with each other by day and by night to give you the extra support you need. The truth is on the label.







Dr. Leon will guide you through a realistic and exciting approach to learning and applying amino-acid applications per your weight, frame size, body composition, and height, to what’s trending in the supplemental marketplace that’s truly a Non-GMO label. Dr. Leon will have you trained and ready to "Be Your Greatest", when it also comes time to put your food detective label reading game face on. Our Pinterest Link contains almost an entire grocery store and then some, displaying great brands and labels that you can rely on. Others good, and the bad labels. Dr. Leon references our Pinterest boards during your format reviews, our "Chewing The Phat-Podcasts" and product reviews that are upcoming this summer of 2016 on "Dr. Leon Mellman's BYGtv channel". Where the "other ingredient areas" display the hidden poisons and the window dressings on products don't stand a chance.

When was the last time you had undivided attention for 30 minutes to an hour, weekly or biweekly, with a doctor?

Due to system driven healthcare, direct contact for any length of time with a doctor is becoming very rare. This will not be your experience here. Our private healthcare organization's concierge focus allows for "Doctor Driven Healthcare". A complete integrated healthcare management system you can apply at work and at home with in-depth counsel and an ongoing constant contact experience with Dr. Leon Mellman of what each participants immune system is accomplishing within the protocol of the program. This will be your experience integrated throughout the next 4 months of counsel.


A Unique Program Benefit!


Dr. Leon is going into his 16th year counseling elite executives, pro athletes, and families. His counsel of our educational technologies, your Dietary Playbook™ and its integration of internal and external environments related to your chosen profession, the relationship of how the individuals dietary progression pertains to performance in your environment, at the workplace and at home. There are a series of educational calls followed by format reviews, a.k.a. mini-reviews and food coaching sessions. These format reviews are scheduled after each educational call to insure pursuit in dietary success. Private families or business groups receive group teleconferences.

Optimal times will be offered in "reservations" (your "educational" food coaching consultations), one-on-one contact with Dr. Leon Mellman to properly plan for executive and Pro-travel strategies in inflammatory healthcare management, preparation for practices, upcoming performances, business or family events, games, post-game counsel, post athletic or post executive careers and preparation for a healthy pregnancy followed with post pregnancy planned strategies.

The choice to implement these integrated nutritional applications and protocols throughout your lifetime, cultivating a new level of health, reaching for an optimal level of performance, and immune system efficiency is solely your choice.


This Program is primarily not a public group teleconferencing experience. All programs are non-refundable. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These programs and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease(s).

-Program A, is primarily a live private "One To One" experience, educational teleconference calls and format reviews with Dr. Leon Mellman during your 4 months of dietary counsel.

-Program B, provides a Pre-Recorded teleconference Password Encrypted Upload of the educational calls specific to the immune system. Your format reviews are live, private one to one calls with Dr. Leon Mellman after upload & attendance of your educational calls during your 4 months of dietary counsel.

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